
Hello! I’m Adam Smith, fulfilling the retirement dream. Right now, I’m in Paris for a vacation. Though I miss my home in Martha’s Vineyard, I am beginning to adapt to the Parisian lifestyle since I have been living here for a few months already. The first months at this city was about doing the touristy things. These days are about learning the language and the habits of the people. Since I enjoy reading, the cafes have been my go-to places here in the city. Sometimes I still roam around the cultural landmarks, especially before nighttime. The magic hour in this city is amazing. 

When I have nothing much to do, I usually watch old police and law TV shows such as The District, Grand Jury, and Starsky & Hutch. They don’t make shows like these anymore. I also enjoy mystery stories because I like solving problems like a detective. Even if I’ve worked as a banker before, I might have been a good law enforcer. 

Of course, even if I’m far away from home, I make sure to check the stats of Cal Berkeley. Aside from it being my favorite sports team, I am also a proud alumnus of UC Berkeley since it’s where I spent my days as an undergrad and an MBA student. 

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